It Starts With a Conversation
You share your ideas and wish lists — a formal dining area for entertaining as few as two or as many as thirty, a family room for both toddler and teenager living, a beach house with stunning views for much needed weekend escapes — and from there it's a journey of collaborating with you, contractors, and architects to turn those ideas and wish lists into reality.
Getting to a moment of breathless satisfaction requires not only envisioning myself living in the spaces I design, but also tending to every detail of the project, from initial conception to final installation. It's a complete package, uniquely designed, so that when you finally walk into the finished room or home, it's ready for living. You are left speechless. Another "ta da" moment for Kristin Peake Interiors.
About Kristin
An editor of a well-known design magazine asked what I would be if I was not an Interior Designer. After a long pause, I thought, I can't imagine not doing this for a living. It is a part of my everyday life, filtering into every aspect of who I am.You share your ideas and wish lists — a formal dining area for entertaining as few as two or as many as thirty, a family room for both toddler and teenager living, a beach house with stunning views for much needed weekend escapes — and from there it's a journey of collaborating with you, contractors, and architects to turn those ideas and wish lists into reality.
Getting to a moment of breathless satisfaction requires not only envisioning myself living in the spaces I design, but also tending to every detail of the project, from initial conception to final installation. It's a complete package, uniquely designed, so that when you finally walk into the finished room or home, it's ready for living. You are left speechless. Another "ta da" moment for Kristin Peake Interiors.
About Kristin
Being given the opportunity to design beautiful and incredible spaces IS my job. I am a designer by profession, mother at heart, and business woman to the core with almost 20 years of experience in the Design Industry. Why would I want to do anything else?
"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." –Coco Chanel